Visual Learning

For this assignment I had to create a visual learning poster. I had to download and use a software called Kidspiration. It sort of was like creating a poster, only I could use graphics and sounds and I was able to add links, instead of just markers and glue!

What I decided to do was create a poster about the four seasons. I wanted to do some sort of lesson that would work for a preschool level, and be educationally beneficial. I made a chart. Each one the four seasons were represented at the top of a column. I made sure to include icons with the season names.

I titled my poster “In this season…” Down the left side of the poster, I finished the sentence with different ideas. For example, “In this season…I wear…” Then, in each column, I put some picture examples of what you might wear in each season, like rain boots in the spring, a swimsuit in the summer, a jacket in the fall and mittens in the winter. In another column I prompted what you might do in each season, and then another with what holiday decorations you might see.

I liked this idea because it also prompts the students to think about other possibilities that I didn’t include, like wearing a hat in the wintertime, or flip flops in the summer. But the examples I gave would get them thinking. And the graphics are colorful and fun to look at.

The name of each season is also a link that goes to different YouTube videos about each season. It either plays a fun educational song and video, or a little educational movie with more information about each season. I also made the title a clickable link to a song about what the four seasons are and a basic idea of what each one is like. I would probably start the lesson with that video, go through the poster, and then watch each season’s video. Or I could even go season by season.

The only problem that I have with this assignment is that I wish I could take it to school and show it to my students! But my program download is only a 30-day trial. Maybe when I’m a teacher, I’ll decide to continue using Kidspiration!

You can click on the image of my Kidspiration poster below for a bigger picture of it, but unfortunately, I can’t embed the entire interactive project!

My Kidspiration Poster

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